
亞太海廢論壇 (Asia-Pacific Civil Forum on Marine Litter,APML) 是一個成立於 2009 年,由致力於保護亞太及其他地區海洋環境的非政府組織 (NGO) 和團體所組成的區域平台。 APML 擁有來自澳大利亞、中國、印尼、日本、韓國、菲律賓、台灣、越南等地的多元化成員,不斷透過集體行動和區域環境管理等實踐來保護海洋。身為一群科學家跟活動人士,我們早已明白世界上只有一個地球,實際上也只有一個海洋。海洋在技術上由五個海洋區域組成,太平洋、大西洋、印度、南部和北極,為許多人創造了一個無國界的家園,亦是我們所有人的生命之源。所以今年,為了提醒自己,我們都與海洋息息相關,我們期望在慶祝#世界海洋日 時分享我們的承諾:

  • 我們將在公民科學的基礎上持續監測海洋垃圾,並設法分享我們的知識,以幫助更好地了解我們的海洋。
  • 我們將進一步加強對減少原生塑膠和原生化石燃料的倡導,優先考慮再利用,並從線性經濟移轉到循環經濟。
  • 我們將強化我們的合作,以確保我們的工作能更加包容所有地方和區域利益相關方、民間的拾荒者、婦女和青年。
  • 我們將在亞太地區尋求更廣泛的參與,以促進國際夥伴關係,從而制訂更有效的國家和地區保護海洋環境的政策。


#OnlyOneEarth  #OneGlobalOcean  #WorldOceanDay #APML

Asia-Pacific Civil Forum on Marine Litter (APML) is a regional network established in 2009 composed of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and activist organizations dedicated to protecting the marine environment in the Asia-Pacific and beyond. With diverse members from Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, and more, APML has continuously embodied the importance of collective action and regional environmental stewardship. As a group of activists and scientists, we have long been aware that there is #OnlyOneEarth and in fact only #OneGlobalOcean. The ocean, technically made up of five ocean regions, the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and the Arctic, create one borderless home to many and a source of life for us all. So this year, to help remind ourselves that we are all inter-connected to this #OneGlobalOcean, we would like to share our commitments as we celebrate #WorldOceanDay: 

  • We will continuously monitor marine litter on the basis of citizen science and seek ways to share our knowledge to help provide a better understanding of our ocean. 
  • We will further enhance our advocacy for the reduction of new plastics and virgin fossil fuels, and prioritize reuse in order to transition from a linear economy to a circular economy.   
  • We will strengthen our collaborative efforts to ensure that our work is more inclusive of all local and regional stakeholders, informal waste pickers, women and youth.       
  • We will seek wider participation in the Asia-Pacific region to foster international partnership that can lead to more effective national and regional policies on protecting the marine environment. 

As we at APML reaffirm the above commitments, we ask that you join us in our efforts by looking for opportunities to participate in your community and we encourage you to check out our websites and social media accounts. More importantly, we hope that World Ocean Day will remind you that each and every one of us can help take care of our #OneGlobalOcean. 

#OnlyOneEarth  #OneGlobalOcean  #WorldOceanDay #APML